Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lullaby island 'Onesie' project

When Lullaby Island was released people fell in love with the artwork drawn by the very wonderful and talented Jasmine Ojeda.  I promised I would make onesies.  I started researching and quickly became overwhelmed and frustrated by the cost of organic onesies and this little project was put on a back burner (a very crowded part of the stove these days).  Anyway, the last week has found me convalescing from a minor surgery and taking a couple of weeks off teaching singing.  Needless to say once my husband got me set up on the sofa with a laptop (I think to slow down the calls for cups of tea from the bedroom) I was able to spend many hours on the internet!  Those hours of couch and internet surfing were not in vain this time and I found some organic cotton onesies AND a wonderful little company to print the design onto cotton for me.  The onesies came first, beautiful, soft, thick and made in the U.S.A, then came my fabric with many little 4 " squares of the CD cover all over it.   Thrilling.  I washed the fabric first to make sure it didn't run or shrink, and ironed and cut out each square with pinking shears to prevent fraying. Then I folded over each square and ironed the edges down so that they would be hemmed once on the onsies.  At this point I was still full of excitement, letting my mind race ahead with all manner of things I could sew the artwork onto to make gift baskets.  I carefully centered each square, tacked the corners, tried out some test strips of fabric to figure out which size of zig zag stitch was going to work the best and got sewing.   No matter how carefully or slowly I stitched the fabric would always gather...just once...right at the last corner.  I tried tacking more, starting in different places, ironing more, changing my stitch size and three onsies down the line they are not getting any better... this was very frustrating....and now I had missed my window and it was time to clean up and cook dinner.  I made the mistake of leaving  the sewing machine on the table and it glared at me defiantly throughout my meal.

The next day back on the sofa with my laptop I called up the google gods to show me how to stop the tshirt material from bunching up ....I clicked on a You Tube link...a shaft of light burst through the living room window and there was the answer.  I needed to use fusible backing and iron the patch in place before I started to sew.  It worked, like a charm.  I was so happy, and the word I taught my 7 yr old that day was perseverance!  Sadly I think I also taught him once or two others when it wasn't quite working out, but perseverence is the one I'm hanging on to!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mama Sings • new class starting

Mama Sings ~ San Rafael
4 classes starting Thursday 8th October from 10-11am $75
A singing group for caregivers & their babies
Mama Sings is an a capella singing group specifically designed to nourish & support moms & dads as well as their babies. Singing together is not only a great way to get your singing voice in shape, but is also a great way of developing a sense of community.
Breathing, stretching and vocal warm-ups at the beginning of each session help to ground the singing mom's and help them to focus on the community they are with right now (not worrying about the diaper service bill that needs to be paid later!). After warming up our voices and bodies I will guide you through some simple singing technique and through the weeks will teach you lullabies from many different traditions, how to write your own lullabies and songs outside of the lullaby realm depending on the interest of the group.
Singing together is an amazing support that can help people through the hardest of times and while it's accepted that being a new parent is a magical time, and it truly is, it can also be a very trying time when the need for support and community has never been greater.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

CD's Still $10!!!!

I have decided to extend my super special offer of Lullaby Island for  $10 a copy though June so snap one up before they're all gone!

Lullaby Concerts

For those of you in the Bay Area, I'm giving a couple of free concerts at the San Rafael library this summer on June 25th & July 16th 2009 at 10.30 am. There will be a mixture of folk tales with songs, songs from Lullaby Island and some songs from the new Beatrix Potter  series I've written for Children's Fairyland in Oakland,  Rabbit tangos, Blackberries and Milk songs and the like. Come along and bring your wee ones. Lullaby Concerts for families at the San Rafael library 1100 E Street between 5th Ave and Mission San Rafael.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spanish lyrics for Sleep My Little Baby

At a lullaby workshop I was running a while back, I said that I really wish I had the Spanish lyrics for 'Sleep My Little Baby' as it was originally a Spanish song.  Then a few weeks later I got a lovely email from a participant and the following lyrics, thank you Andria :)

Have fun with these everyone.


"I was a student at the Elephant Pharm a couple of weeks ago in Walnut Creek. I asked my father in law who speaks Spanish very well and he knew that song in Spanish (Sleep my little Baby). Here are the lyrics in Spanish:

I can\'t do tilde and accents so I put them after the letter. Sorry"

A la rurru nin~o

A la rurru ya

Duermete mi nin~o

Duermete ya


Que rurru, que rurru

que tan tin tan

Que sopas, que sopas

Para San Juan

Este nin~o lindo

Que nacio` del di`a

Quiere que lo lleven

Ir la dolceri`a

Este nin~o lindo

que nacio` de noche

Quiere que lo lleven

A pasear en coche

"I also found this verse but does not translate as closely to anything you have in your song:"

Este nin~o lindo

se quiere dormir

y el pi`caro suen~o

no quiere venir

Friday, May 8, 2009

Buy MP3's on Amazon

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Listeners Poll

I've finally found a way to find out which tracks you like the best!  There's a super easy little poll if you scroll down and I would love it if you had a minute to check your 3 favorite songs from Lullaby Island.  Thank you SO much.  Julia
It has been two years since the release of Lullaby Island and to celebrate I am going to finally start up this little blog site in the hope that I will be more easily able to answer questions about the songs, singing and lullabies in general.  I am also offering the CD at the very special discount rate of $10 per copy from my website  don't worry you can buy safely from my site without having a paypal account :)  Every CD I sell now is going to go towards volume two!  This offer is only valid though May 2009.  After that it will go back to $15 a copy.  Ok, here goes..........