Sunday, June 7, 2009

CD's Still $10!!!!

I have decided to extend my super special offer of Lullaby Island for  $10 a copy though June so snap one up before they're all gone!

Lullaby Concerts

For those of you in the Bay Area, I'm giving a couple of free concerts at the San Rafael library this summer on June 25th & July 16th 2009 at 10.30 am. There will be a mixture of folk tales with songs, songs from Lullaby Island and some songs from the new Beatrix Potter  series I've written for Children's Fairyland in Oakland,  Rabbit tangos, Blackberries and Milk songs and the like. Come along and bring your wee ones. Lullaby Concerts for families at the San Rafael library 1100 E Street between 5th Ave and Mission San Rafael.