Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spanish lyrics for Sleep My Little Baby

At a lullaby workshop I was running a while back, I said that I really wish I had the Spanish lyrics for 'Sleep My Little Baby' as it was originally a Spanish song.  Then a few weeks later I got a lovely email from a participant and the following lyrics, thank you Andria :)

Have fun with these everyone.


"I was a student at the Elephant Pharm a couple of weeks ago in Walnut Creek. I asked my father in law who speaks Spanish very well and he knew that song in Spanish (Sleep my little Baby). Here are the lyrics in Spanish:

I can\'t do tilde and accents so I put them after the letter. Sorry"

A la rurru nin~o

A la rurru ya

Duermete mi nin~o

Duermete ya


Que rurru, que rurru

que tan tin tan

Que sopas, que sopas

Para San Juan

Este nin~o lindo

Que nacio` del di`a

Quiere que lo lleven

Ir la dolceri`a

Este nin~o lindo

que nacio` de noche

Quiere que lo lleven

A pasear en coche

"I also found this verse but does not translate as closely to anything you have in your song:"

Este nin~o lindo

se quiere dormir

y el pi`caro suen~o

no quiere venir

Friday, May 8, 2009

Buy MP3's on Amazon

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Listeners Poll

I've finally found a way to find out which tracks you like the best!  There's a super easy little poll if you scroll down and I would love it if you had a minute to check your 3 favorite songs from Lullaby Island.  Thank you SO much.  Julia
It has been two years since the release of Lullaby Island and to celebrate I am going to finally start up this little blog site in the hope that I will be more easily able to answer questions about the songs, singing and lullabies in general.  I am also offering the CD at the very special discount rate of $10 per copy from my website  don't worry you can buy safely from my site without having a paypal account :)  Every CD I sell now is going to go towards volume two!  This offer is only valid though May 2009.  After that it will go back to $15 a copy.  Ok, here goes..........